Bureau Veritas Certification
La Constructa © 2025 all rights reserved
Canadian Embassy
Government of Canada- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Architect / Consultant
D.G. Jones & Partners
Project Duration
330 days
Description of Project

An existing building composed of five floors; 1 basement and 4 floors transformed into office premises. La Constructa has undertaken, as the main contractor, the renovation of the building including architectural finishes, electro-mechanical works and security systems.Approximate built up area of 2500 .

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Embassy & Consulate of Kuwait
Kuwait Government - Ministry of foreign Affairs
Architect / Consultant
A-Consult/ Dolly Braidy Debs
Project Duration
2 years 4 months
Description of Project

The project encompasses the rehabilitation of the existing embassy building, the construction of a new consulate building and the introduction of a steel pathway bridge connecting them together.

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French Embassy
French Government - Ministry of foreign Affairs
Architect / Consultant
Yves Lion
Project Duration
1 year 7 months
Description of Project

This project earned its designer, Yves Lion, the Prix de l'Equerre d'Argent, one of the most prestigious architectural awards in France. La Constructa translated Lion's ideas into concrete in a superb fashion completing the Embassy Compound including all its sophisticated and advanced installations in record time.